Mircea Lucescu doesn't give up

Articol de - Publicat vineri, 24 octombrie 2008 00:00

The fate of the Romanian coach will be decided at Lisboan

Mircea Lucescu is in danger of losing once again the League spring, after Şahtior lost the match with Sporting (0-1). Another failure, in the return match, and the adventure in Ukraine could end. On Wednesday, everything happened in the end, and it was because of the bad defensive,  :X in which Raţ played the entire match on the left side. Kucer and Cigrinski were confounded in the little square by Derlei’s heel, and Liedson speculated the moment.

Lucescu got angry: "This is a bitter and undeserved failure; it came after an incredible inadvertence. The Brazilians from Sporting have more experience and they made use of this thing in fixed phase. We didn’t play as we had to and we lost almost all the duels in the middle. Fernandinho and Jadson, my basis players, were not at all aggressive and mature, and Gladki disappointed me". The Romanian coach didn’t resign all his hope: "We have only one variant for qualification. I think we can winn in the return match, at Lisboan, because Sporting was not better than us".

The fate of the Romanian coach will be decided at Lisboan

Mircea Lucescu is in danger of losing once again the League spring, after Şahtior lost the match with Sporting (0-1). Another failure, in the return match, and the adventure in Ukraine could end. On Wednesday, everything happened in the end, and it was because of the bad defensive,  :X in which Raţ played the entire match on the left side. Kucer and Cigrinski were confounded in the little square by Derlei’s heel, and Liedson speculated the moment.

Lucescu got angry: "This is a bitter and undeserved failure; it came after an incredible inadvertence. The Brazilians from Sporting have more experience and they made use of this thing in fixed phase. We didn’t play as we had to and we lost almost all the duels in the middle. Fernandinho and Jadson, my basis players, were not at all aggressive and mature, and Gladki disappointed me". The Romanian coach didn’t resign all his hope: "We have only one variant for qualification. I think we can winn in the return match, at Lisboan, because Sporting was not better than us".

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