Mircea Lucescu: "Stuttgart is in a good shape, but I cannot see why Unirea couldn't eliminate them"

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2009 00:00

Mircea Lucescu commented the result obtained by Unirea Urziceni against Sevilla and he is believes in the possibility that Urziceni could qualify in the spring of Champions League.

"Unirea is an example of how a team should be built. Only a few people were present, they wanted to have performance and now they have success. These results are not accidental; there is a lot of work behind them.

I have seen the match between Stuttgart and Rangers and the first seemed to me a team in a very good shape, but I can’t see why Unirea couldn’t obtain a result which may give them the possibility to qualify in the final eights of Champions League", said Lucescu.

Mircea Lucescu commented the result obtained by Unirea Urziceni against Sevilla and he is believes in the possibility that Urziceni could qualify in the spring of Champions League.

"Unirea is an example of how a team should be built. Only a few people were present, they wanted to have performance and now they have success. These results are not accidental; there is a lot of work behind them.

I have seen the match between Stuttgart and Rangers and the first seemed to me a team in a very good shape, but I can’t see why Unirea couldn’t obtain a result which may give them the possibility to qualify in the final eights of Champions League", said Lucescu.

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