Storm in Bărăgan » Unirea has big squad problems!

Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 29 iulie 2010 00:00

Unirea has big problems of group, before a "double" of fire: derby with Rapid on League One and the return on Champions League with Zenit

The form of the team, the injuries and the acts of indiscipline have thoughtfully put Unirea officials. Coach Ronny Levy is the most worried because the problems of . First, Pablo Brandan and Antonio Semedo, who spent in Club Bamboo on Bucharest, Sunday evening, are excluded from the team. Then came the disgrace of Razvan Pădureţu after the removal from the game on Tuesday night.  Another problem for Levy is the goalkeeper. Arlauskis hurt on back and has  almost no chance to evolve over the next two games!

In these circumstances, the manager Mihai Stoica is satisfied with a draw against Rapid, Saturday night: "We have a game with a team who had impressed in the first round and has one of the best drivers in the modern history of Romanian football, Dinu Gheorghe. If we are able to take a point, then we will be happy. "

"If you get well of Rapid, we thought to Zenit revenge. I hope to make in Russia a great match and we qualify"
Marius Bilaşco, striker of Unirea

"Unirea is the best team in League One. We expected a difficult match at Urziceni and would not be bad if we get a draw"
Marius Şumudică, Rapid coach

3 draws has Unirea in this season: 2-2 with CFR, and 0-0 with Panduri and Zenit

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