Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 15 octombrie 2009 00:00
The general manager of Fiorentina, Pantaleo Corvino, defended Adrian Mutu in front of the press critics, who judged him after his nocturnal escapes before and after the match lost by Romania in Serbia (0-5). However, the Italian official admitted that Mutu’s escape is in contradiction with the sports life:
"When he comes back from the national team, there is always a controversy. The press may be too critical with him. I am sorry for Adrian Mutu, because his professionalism is constantly attacked, but it is true that his indiscretions have little to do with football", said Pantaleo Corvino in the press from Italy.
The general manager of Fiorentina, Pantaleo Corvino, defended Adrian Mutu in front of the press critics, who judged him after his nocturnal escapes before and after the match lost by Romania in Serbia (0-5). However, the Italian official admitted that Mutu’s escape is in contradiction with the sports life:
"When he comes back from the national team, there is always a controversy. The press may be too critical with him. I am sorry for Adrian Mutu, because his professionalism is constantly attacked, but it is true that his indiscretions have little to do with football", said Pantaleo Corvino in the press from Italy.

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