„We knew that we could score in Romania”


Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 10 septembrie 2009 00:00

The goalkeeper of the national team of Austria, Helge Payer, declared, on Wednesday, that he is very pleased with the draw obtained in Romania, score 1-1, which he considers as a success and all the Austrians should be proud of.

"We should be very proud of this point, we are going back home triumphant. We knew that we could score in Romania and we managed this thing. 

We have also reached the goal we proposed before the match, to obtain at least one point", said the goalkeeper Payer.

the source NewsIn

The goalkeeper of the national team of Austria, Helge Payer, declared, on Wednesday, that he is very pleased with the draw obtained in Romania, score 1-1, which he considers as a success and all the Austrians should be proud of.

"We should be very proud of this point, we are going back home triumphant. We knew that we could score in Romania and we managed this thing. 

We have also reached the goal we proposed before the match, to obtain at least one point", said the goalkeeper Payer.

the source NewsIn

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