Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 07 ianuarie 2010 00:00
Corriere dello Sport reports that the Romanian defender Cristi Chivu had a quiet night after the serious injury suffered yesterday, at the head. He is hospitalized in Borgo Trento from Verona.
This morning, around 09:40 (10:40 the hour of Romania) the doctor Sergio Turatti, the one who operated upon Chivu together with his team, made some declarations for the Italian press: „The patient is lucid and awake; everything ensued normally after the operation. From the neurological point of view everything is untouched. The tomography revealed that the boned fragments were tied in the right way. The brain box is in the natural state, and the hematoma was eliminated”.
Corriere dello Sport reports that the Romanian defender Cristi Chivu had a quiet night after the serious injury suffered yesterday, at the head. He is hospitalized in Borgo Trento from Verona.
This morning, around 09:40 (10:40 the hour of Romania) the doctor Sergio Turatti, the one who operated upon Chivu together with his team, made some declarations for the Italian press: „The patient is lucid and awake; everything ensued normally after the operation. From the neurological point of view everything is untouched. The tomography revealed that the boned fragments were tied in the right way. The brain box is in the natural state, and the hematoma was eliminated”.
The professor Francesco Procaccio, the principal of the Intensive Therapy section of the hospital from Verona, confirmed: „We watch carefully his state, which is good in this moment. The patient is monitored clinically and instrumentally, but we cannot estimate when he can leave the hospital”.
The most probable, according to Corriere dello Sport, is that the Romanian will stay hospitalized at Verona one week, then he may return to Milano.
Moreover, because it is envisaged that the absence of the captain of the Romanian national team will be until this summer, Inter prepares already to accelerate the «track» Kolarov, from Lazio, in order to cover the gap on the defensive side.