Valeriu Calancea won two medals at the Weightlifting World Championship!

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 26 septembrie 2010 00:00

Valeriu Calancea won yesterday a gold medal and a bronze one at the Weightlifting World Championship in Antalya.

Valeriu Calancea is back! The world champion from 2003 who was caught cheating in 2007 and suspended for two years has returned. He is back and last night he won again a world title.

Calancea started with snatch but this is his weak point. He only managed to pull up 177 kg and finished fifth. At clean & jerk he had no adversary. He raised 220 kg and assured his gold medal, managing to finish in third at the total.

16.100 lei will receive Calancea from ANST for winning two medals in Turkey

Valeriu Calancea

Born on 18 November 1980 in Chişinău
Career: European Junior Champion (2000), bronze at CM 2001, 2002, bronze at EC 2002,  2 time World Champion at CM 2003, gold and bronze at CM 2007, bronze at CM 2009, gold and bronze at CM 2010

He used to play football
Valeriu Calancea used to play football before practicing weightlifting. "I guess I would be working like me brothers if I'd played football. I started weightlifting to look good, build muscles, but then I really started to like the sport", said Calancea.

Valeriu Calancea won yesterday a gold medal and a bronze one at the Weightlifting World Championship in Antalya.

Valeriu Calancea is back! The world champion from 2003 who was caught cheating in 2007 and suspended for two years has returned. He is back and last night he won again a world title.

Calancea started with snatch but this is his weak point. He only managed to pull up 177 kg and finished fifth. At clean & jerk he had no adversary. He raised 220 kg and assured his gold medal, managing to finish in third at the total.

16.100 lei will receive Calancea from ANST for winning two medals in Turkey

Valeriu Calancea

Born on 18 November 1980 in Chişinău
Career: European Junior Champion (2000), bronze at CM 2001, 2002, bronze at EC 2002,  2 time World Champion at CM 2003, gold and bronze at CM 2007, bronze at CM 2009, gold and bronze at CM 2010

He used to play football
Valeriu Calancea used to play football before practicing weightlifting. "I guess I would be working like me brothers if I'd played football. I started weightlifting to look good, build muscles, but then I really started to like the sport", said Calancea.

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