Hundreds of memories

Articol de - Publicat marti, 02 septembrie 2008 00:00

"We all made pictures with him: Iulia, Dana and I. I think that after the last picture he was very tired. The sportsmen from all the delegacies wanted to make pictures with him". Eliza alongside with one of her favourite sports, Rafael Nadal

Eliza Samara made the photograph immortalizing her colleague Daniela Dodean alongside with the world no. 1, Rafael Nadal.

Eliza Samara has at home seven hundred photos made only in the month she spent in Beijing

"Oh my God, how long I’ve been there!", exclaimed the ping-pong player when she heard again about Olympic Games from Beijing. 31 days in 700 photos. "I overstepped the line this time, usually, when I travel I make 200 photos. China fascinated me", added Eliza Samara. She offered few of the snapshots to Gazeta Sporturilor. A little part of Eliza’s life at Beijing, which includes the visit at the Big Chinese Wall, and the last night at Beijing in the Olympic Village.

Among the most beloved photos is that with the world no. 1 Rafael Nadal. "Among all the tennis players he is my favourite. I took him as a brother: «Rafa, Rafa». He was very kind! In the end, after he made pictures with all the girls, he was very tired. I would have liked to make photos with Federer, too, but I haven’t seen him. But I also met Djokovici", says Samara with proud and joy. She wanted to have as much as possible photos from China, "nobody knows if I have time over for years ", ended the sports. 

Eliza Samara’s album

"It was nice in the club, there were only Europeans.  We listened there even Romanian music". Eliza Samara, Iulia Necula and Marian Drăgulescu relaxed themselves in Banana Clubfrom Beijing.

"Last time, when I was in China I couldn’t see the Chinese Wall and I wanted very much to arrive there". The international from the Romanian ping-pong team, 7th place at Beijing wanted to have a flashback with the Chinese Wall.

"We all made pictures with him: Iulia, Dana and I. I think that after the last picture he was very tired. The sportsmen from all the delegacies wanted to make pictures with him". Eliza alongside with one of her favourite sports, Rafael Nadal

Eliza Samara made the photograph immortalizing her colleague Daniela Dodean alongside with the world no. 1, Rafael Nadal.

"I liked very much the opening gala. I think we made the most pictures" At the inauguration, Iulia Necula, Ramona Ciobanu, Eliza Samara, Viorica Ţigău and Daniela Dodean made pictures with sportsmen from other countries, too. Before going back to Romania several sports from Romania they twaddle in the Olympic Village.


Pictures with champions

Gazeta Sporturilor continues the series of pictures with Olympic stars from Beijing and offers to its readers in the edition of today’s date, 2nd September, the picture with Constantina Diţă Tomescu, who won the golden medal at the marathon from the Olympic Games in China. The collection includes views with all the Romanian Olympic champions from Beijing: Alina Dumitru (judo), Viorica Susanu and Georgeta Adrunache (canoeing), Constantina Diţă (athletic) and Sandra Izbaşa (gymnastics). The last picture will appear in the edition from 3rd September of Gazeta Sporturilor.


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