Victor Hănescu occupies the 28th place and he is the only Romanian from top 100 ATP

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 28 septembrie 2009 00:00

The tennis player Victor Hănescu has climbed a place in the classification ATP, until 28th, and is the only Romanian from top 100 after Victor Crivoi has declined 10 places, until 108th, according to the hierarchy published on Monday on the official site of the international institution.

Victor Crivoi hadn’t declined in the top 100 since May 2009, when he occupied the 102 place.

On the first place continues to be the Swiss Roger Federer, followed by the Spanish Rafael Nadal, while on the 3rd place is the Scot Andy Murray.

In the doubled hierarchy, Romania has also one representative, Horia Tecău, on the 52nd place, three places higher in comparison with the last week. The next Romanian in this top is Andrei Pavel, who has just retired, and he occupies the 110th place.

This week takes place the tournament from Bangkok, endowed with prizes in value of 608.500 dollars. On the main table for the double there is also present Horia Tecău, who makes a team with the British Ross Hutchins.

Another tournament will be at Kuala Lumpur, endowed with prizes in value of 947.750 dollars. On the simple table there is also present Victor Crivoi, who will meet the French Richard Gasquet in the first tour.

The tennis player Victor Hănescu has climbed a place in the classification ATP, until 28th, and is the only Romanian from top 100 after Victor Crivoi has declined 10 places, until 108th, according to the hierarchy published on Monday on the official site of the international institution.

Victor Crivoi hadn’t declined in the top 100 since May 2009, when he occupied the 102 place.

On the first place continues to be the Swiss Roger Federer, followed by the Spanish Rafael Nadal, while on the 3rd place is the Scot Andy Murray.

In the doubled hierarchy, Romania has also one representative, Horia Tecău, on the 52nd place, three places higher in comparison with the last week. The next Romanian in this top is Andrei Pavel, who has just retired, and he occupies the 110th place.

This week takes place the tournament from Bangkok, endowed with prizes in value of 608.500 dollars. On the main table for the double there is also present Horia Tecău, who makes a team with the British Ross Hutchins.

Another tournament will be at Kuala Lumpur, endowed with prizes in value of 947.750 dollars. On the simple table there is also present Victor Crivoi, who will meet the French Richard Gasquet in the first tour.

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