Borcea criticised Alexandru Tudor: "A buffoon physically unstable!" :X

Alexandru Tudor, Tudor
Alexandru Tudor, Tudor

Articol de - Publicat joi, 15 aprilie 2010 00:00

Borcea beat barefacedly last night the referee Tudor, asking him to retire

The fact that Alexandru Tudor refused “the dogs" a clear penalty, after Alcantara’s fault over Adrian Cristea (60), went Cristi Borcea mad. Immediately after the final whistle of the referee from Bucharest, the executive president from Dinamo asked the elimination from the arbitration of the one called " Brad Pitt": "We have lost the title because of the referees, now we lost the Cup, too. Why shall Tudor promote? Everybody sees and nobody takes measures. CCA wants to mock the first two leagues with Alexandru Tudor? I will discuss this problem in the Executive Committee, I think there are at least 5 clubs that refuse this buffoon!".

The tirade against Tudor was taken forward by Borcea: "It is E inhuman that this referee to remain in the League 1! He ruins every match. It is very tragic that he is supported endlessly. He does not know to make his job! He is physically unstable, he destroys everything. Every year he ruins 3-4 matches. He has no value!".

Paszkany: "Little people are always begging!"
Arpad Paszkany replied tough to the commentaries of the acid commentaries of the players from Dinamo: "We should have given them 6 goals! They are embarrassing, little people, with little character are always begging! That’s why they are behind us and they cannot manage to do anything. If the teams outside Bucharest would be helped 50 years, not even then could be made justice for favors had Dinamo! They had better shake our hands and go home to win some points".

"It was a clear penalty!"
Andrei Cristea explained the phase from the minute 60: "It was a clear penalty, but unfortunately the match ended 2-1. I don’t know if the result was infected, I make my job on the field and we will see what measures will be taken. The Cup is gone, maybe next year! We have to help each other, if we remain united and concentrated; we have chances to obtain good results. We have accumulated tension, but this is normal, is the end of the season. We must be concentrated, we want the victory at Bistriţa!".

"I am upset on the players; too, we have missed many occasions. I cannot realize what happens with us that we miss so mush!"

Cristi Borcea, executive president Dinamo

"After this match, Tudor had to receive a floating visa, to be named Privileged Citizen of Cluj! After the stages in the second league he would need a deserved rest"
Nicolae Badea, president CA Dinamo

"Dinamo was executed! It was not simulation at Cristea, but a clear penalty. We have lost this objective and the championship on arbitration mistakes"
Florin Prunea, sports manager Dinamo

"I cry, I suffer... I cannot say that Tudor is the only responsible, but this winter instead of transferring players we brought leaders. We need defenders, forwards, we do not need people in offices"
Vasile Turcu, vice-president Dinamo

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