Dragomir: "I haven't taken any salary from the League for 15 years"

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 12 aprilie 2010 00:00

The leader of Professional Football League says that he cannot understand why is doubted his capacity to rule the institution.

"When the General Assembly meets, they must judge me. Anyway, nobody asked the General Assembly. They can gather it, there are coming six clubs and ask the General Assembly. And I have the duty to summon in 15 or 30 days the GA as I consider it is right to do.

I am afraid that I could fall ill, why shall I be afraid of anything else? This league ruined my health. Gigi Becali says that they pay me with a sum of money... Well, the money is from the sponsor brought by me. And even from this money I give to the clubs.

I gave them 700.000 euro last year; I didn’t keep a cent from the broadcasting rights. I have been taking the salary only for three or four months, but for 15 years I haven’t taken any cent", said Dumitru Dragomir.

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