Timisoara signed Sepsi from Benfica

Laszlo Sepsi, Sepsi, Poli Timisoara
Laszlo Sepsi, Sepsi, Poli Timisoara

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 05 ianuarie 2010 00:00

This is the amount which Poli Timişoara has to spend on "the business Sepsi". The defender signed last night on 5 years

In the attempt of conquering the title, Poli is the first team in League 1 which made a transfer in 2010. The left defender Laszlo Sepsi (23 years old) signed yesterday a contract on 5 years with the violet team, after the Spanish from Racing Santander, where he was borrowed by Benfica until this summer, have announced that they do not rely anymore on the services of the Romanian.
Lucescu monitors Sepsi  (video)

Sepsi has made his luggage quickly and he landed on Bega, where, after the negotiations which lasted for almost 7 hours,  he perfected the agreement with Timişoara: "I wish to win the championship and to play in Champions League". The transfer has cost the officials from Poli 2,3 million euro, amount which includes also the salary of the player for all the years he will spend at Poli.

5 matches
played Sepsi for Santander in the championship turn from Primera Division, in 4 of them he played the entire match

"It was very important that Mr. Sabău is coach at Poli. We have a special relationship"
LASZLO SEPSI, defender Poli

This is the amount which Poli Timişoara has to spend on "the business Sepsi". The defender signed last night on 5 years

In the attempt of conquering the title, Poli is the first team in League 1 which made a transfer in 2010. The left defender Laszlo Sepsi (23 years old) signed yesterday a contract on 5 years with the violet team, after the Spanish from Racing Santander, where he was borrowed by Benfica until this summer, have announced that they do not rely anymore on the services of the Romanian.
Lucescu monitors Sepsi  (video)

Sepsi has made his luggage quickly and he landed on Bega, where, after the negotiations which lasted for almost 7 hours,  he perfected the agreement with Timişoara: "I wish to win the championship and to play in Champions League". The transfer has cost the officials from Poli 2,3 million euro, amount which includes also the salary of the player for all the years he will spend at Poli.

5 matches played Sepsi for Santander in the championship turn from Primera Division, in 4 of them he played the entire match

"It was very important that Mr. Sabău is coach at Poli. We have a special relationship"
LASZLO SEPSI, defender Poli

"Sepsi will demonstrate that he deserves to be called at the national team, because he has been forgotten lately. It is true that Portugal and Spain are far away from Bucharest, but now he is at Timişoara and I hope he will be observed"
Gheorghe Chivorchian, executive director Poli

"Sabău convinced me"
The thing that convinced Sepsi to sign with Poli was firstly the fact the team is coached by Neluţu Sabău, the coach who promoted him in the great football at Gloria Bistriţa. "It was very important that Mr. Sabău is the coach. We have a special relationship and we communicate very often", said Sepsi.

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