Chivu has more than Mutu!

Articol de - Publicat marti, 14 octombrie 2008 00:00

Chivu’s wage of more than 5 millions euro which he has at Inter propelled the captain of the national team on the top of the richest Romanian football-players

In the middle of the economic crisis the newspaper Adevărul edited a special catalog with the classification of the richest 500 Romanians. On the first place in the classification On the top of people from sport the following are rated very highly: Steaua’s sponsor, Gigi Becali, with a fortune estimated at 750 de millions euro, followed by Timişoara’s sponsor, Ovidiu Tender (700 millions euro), Fathi Taher (350 millions euro) and George Copos (300 millions euro), the shareholders of Rapid club.

In this top there are also the components of the national team Chivu, Mutu and Contra. The full-back from Inter managed to accumulate in only one season, the same amount which the tennis player Andrei Pavel gained in his entire career until now of 17 years: 25 millions euro. ;) With a fortune estimated at 14 millions euro, Mutu is full-back in business, the forward couldn’t pay the fine of 17 millions euro received from FIFA. The last "tricolor" from the TOP is Cosmin Contra, with a fortune of 8 millions dollars, but also with a gorgeous mansion in Madrid in value of almost 2 millions euro.

Chivu’s wage of more than 5 millions euro which he has at Inter propelled the captain of the national team on the top of the richest Romanian football-players

In the middle of the economic crisis the newspaper Adevărul edited a special catalog with the classification of the richest 500 Romanians. On the first place in the classification On the top of people from sport the following are rated very highly: Steaua’s sponsor, Gigi Becali, with a fortune estimated at 750 de millions euro, followed by Timişoara’s sponsor, Ovidiu Tender (700 millions euro), Fathi Taher (350 millions euro) and George Copos (300 millions euro), the shareholders of Rapid club.

In this top there are also the components of the national team Chivu, Mutu and Contra. The full-back from Inter managed to accumulate in only one season, the same amount which the tennis player Andrei Pavel gained in his entire career until now of 17 years: 25 millions euro. ;) With a fortune estimated at 14 millions euro, Mutu is full-back in business, the forward couldn’t pay the fine of 17 millions euro received from FIFA. The last "tricolor" from the TOP is Cosmin Contra, with a fortune of 8 millions dollars, but also with a gorgeous mansion in Madrid in value of almost 2 millions euro.

1. Ion Ţiriac 1 milliard – 2nd place
2. Gigi Becali 700-750 millions euro – 7th place
3. Ovidiu Tender 650-700 millions euro – 9th place
4. Fathi Taher 350 millions euro – 20th place
5. George Copos 300 millions euro – 25th place
6. Ion Niculaie 300 millions euro – 25th place
7. Adrian Porumboiu 270-280 millions euro – 33rd place
8. Cornel Penescu 250-270 millions euro – 35th place
9. Dumitru Sechelariu 190-200 millions euro – 48th place
10. Gheorghe Bosînceanu 160-180 millions euro – 56th place
11. Vasile Turcu 160-165 millions euro – 58th place
12. Dumitru Bucşaru 150 millions euro – 65th place
13. Alin Şimota 100 millions euro – 94th place
14. Ioan şi Victor Becali 80 millions euro – 108th place
15. Cristi Borcea 70-75 millions euro – 120th place
16. Arpad Paszkany 60-65 millions euro – 142nd place
17. Nicolae Bara 55-60 millions euro – 154th place
18. Dumitru Dragomir 50 millions euro – 167th place
19. Adrian Mititelu 48-50 millions euro – 178th place
20. Gheorghe Hagi 47-50 millions euro – 185th place
21. Sebastian Ghiţă 40-45 millions euro – 203rd place
22. Gică Popescu 40 millions euro – 220th place
23. Dinel Staicu 35-37 millions euro – 235th place
24. Nicolae Tucunel 32 millions euro – 258th place
25. Cristi Chivu 25 millions euro – 297th place
26. Mircea Lucescu 23 millions euro – 308th place
27. Jean Pădureanu 18-19 millions euro 346th place
27. Adrian Ilie 18 millions euro – 351st place
28. Anghel Iordănescu 18 millions euro – 351st place
29. Janos Kurko 15-17 millions euro – 368th place
30. Gheorghe Neţoiu 16 millions euro – 377th place
31. Ioan Moldovan 15 millions euro – 382nd place
32. Adrian Mutu 14 millions euro – 397th place
33. Dan Petrescu 13 millions euro – 410th place
34. Cosmin Olăroiu 12 millions euro – 420th place
35. Ilie Dumitrescu 12 millions euro – 424th place
36. Ilie Năstase 11 millions euro – 440th place
37. Constantin Iacov 10 millions euro – 452nd place
38. Nicuşor Constantinescu 10 millions euro – 452nd place
39. Gheorghe Ştefan 10 millions euro – 452nd place
40. Ana Maria Prodan 8 millions euro – 482nd place
41. Cosmin Contra 8 millions euro – 485th place

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Comentarii (1)
 •  09 Noiembrie 2008, 03:53

1 Millard?? 1 Billion?

Vezi toate comentariile (1)