Romania dropped on the 36th place in the hierarchy of FIFA, the worst classification in history

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 16 octombrie 2009 00:00

The national football team of Romania climbed down 10 places in the classification of FIFA, up to 36, and this is the worst classification of the tricolors since the hierarchy foundation in 1993, informs the site of the world institution.

Romania has 752 points in the classification, less with 75 points than last month. The worst positioning of the tricolors up to the present was on the 35th place on which the Romanians were in august 2004.

The tricolors were very close to break even the negative record at the number of places they climbed down in the classification, after they fell down 10 places.
The record regarding this thing has been existed since July 2002, when Romania had fallen down from 14 to 25.

The national team of Brazil is still on the 1st place in the classification, with 1.632 points, and Spain is on the 2nd place, with 1.629 points. The third place is occupied by Holland, who has 1.340 points.

The classification of FIFA:

1. Brazil 1.632p
2. Spain 1.629p
3. Holland 1.340p
4. Italy 1.215p
5. Germany 1.161p
6. Argentina 1.103p
7. England 1.101p
8. Croatia 1.087p
9. France 1.049p
10. Portugal 1.042p
36. ROMANIA 752p
37. Norwey 751p
38. Ghana 746p
39. Turkey 737p
40. Japonia 735p.

The new classification of FIFA didn’t change the situation of the seeds for the qualification tie-break at the WC from 2010. Therefore, France, Portugal, Russia and Greece will be the seeds and they will play with Ukraine, Ireland, Bosnia and Slovenia. The ballot for the tie-break matches will take place at Zurich, and the matches will be disputed on 14th and 18th of November.

The national football team of Romania climbed down 10 places in the classification of FIFA, up to 36, and this is the worst classification of the tricolors since the hierarchy foundation in 1993, informs the site of the world institution.

Romania has 752 points in the classification, less with 75 points than last month. The worst positioning of the tricolors up to the present was on the 35th place on which the Romanians were in august 2004.

The tricolors were very close to break even the negative record at the number of places they climbed down in the classification, after they fell down 10 places.
The record regarding this thing has been existed since July 2002, when Romania had fallen down from 14 to 25.

The national team of Brazil is still on the 1st place in the classification, with 1.632 points, and Spain is on the 2nd place, with 1.629 points. The third place is occupied by Holland, who has 1.340 points.

The classification of FIFA:

1. Brazil 1.632p
2. Spain 1.629p
3. Holland 1.340p
4. Italy 1.215p
5. Germany 1.161p
6. Argentina 1.103p
7. England 1.101p
8. Croatia 1.087p
9. France 1.049p
10. Portugal 1.042p
36. ROMANIA 752p
37. Norwey 751p
38. Ghana 746p
39. Turkey 737p
40. Japonia 735p.

The new classification of FIFA didn’t change the situation of the seeds for the qualification tie-break at the WC from 2010. Therefore, France, Portugal, Russia and Greece will be the seeds and they will play with Ukraine, Ireland, Bosnia and Slovenia. The ballot for the tie-break matches will take place at Zurich, and the matches will be disputed on 14th and 18th of November.

the source: NewsIn

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