Togo participates at the African Cup! "For Akakpo, Obilale and for those we have lost!"


Articol de - Publicat duminica, 10 ianuarie 2010 00:00

The Togolese will stay in Angola and they will participate at the African Cup! Although the government called them back, the players decided to stay in Angola and fight for the trophy in the memory of the two dead men and the team mates injured in the armed attack of the Angolense rebellions.

The surprising decision came after the solicitations of the Angolense Prime Minister, Paulo Kassoma, and of the competition organizers. "In the memory of the dead, the national team decided to play at the African Cup!", announced the forward from Nantes, Thomas Dossevi, according to Sydney Morning Herald.

"We are aggrieved. This is not a feast anymore, but we want to show our colors, the value and the fact that we are men", motivated he the team’s choice.

Dossevi attacked the African institution for the refuse of postponing the match from Monday with Ghana: "We are disappointed because the federation didn’t want to postpone the match in order to be able to go to the funerals. We aren’t supported enough! The interests of CAF are on the first place, and not that of the participating countries".

Alaixys Romao enforced the affirmations of his team mate: "There are some people who died for this competition, some others have injured, we cannot run like cowards! We stay for them! We won’t give satisfaction to the rebellions. The Government does not agree with us, but we wil play no matter what", said the player from Grenoble, according to CBC.

Togo debuts in the african Cup on Monday, at 20:30, against Ghana. The match will be broadcasted live by Eurosport.


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