Steaua's fans will come to the match against Napoli for Marius Lăcătuş!

Marius Lăcătuş, Lăcătuş, Steaua
Marius Lăcătuş, Lăcătuş, Steaua

Articol de - Publicat miercuri, 29 septembrie 2010 00:00

Since the return of the former number 7 Steaua has sold 2.500 tickets  for the match against Napoli. More than in the last three weeks!

Steaua feared that the stadium will be empty against Napoli and launched an appeal to the fans to come to the game: "Come to the stadium! Without you we have no chance against the Italians".

Sunday night found Lacatus back on Steaua's bench awaiting the match against Napoli. His return brought the fans back to the team. In just two days they bought the same number of tickets that was sold in the last three weeks. "We sold about 5.000 just two days before the game", confirmed Steaua's officials.

Since the return of the former number 7 Steaua has sold 2.500 tickets  for the match against Napoli. More than in the last three weeks!

Steaua feared that the stadium will be empty against Napoli and launched an appeal to the fans to come to the game: "Come to the stadium! Without you we have no chance against the Italians".

Sunday night found Lacatus back on Steaua's bench awaiting the match against Napoli. His return brought the fans back to the team. In just two days they bought the same number of tickets that was sold in the last three weeks. "We sold about 5.000 just two days before the game", confirmed Steaua's officials.

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