
Articol de - Publicat joi, 11 decembrie 2008 00:00

"The German" blames the bad luck for the modest results of Steaua in this season of UEFA Champions League

- Mr. Munteanu, are content with Steaua’s evolution?
- Of course I am not! It is very bad to have only one shot on target the entire match! Anyway, just like in other matches, I think we didn’t deserve to loose. Since I came to Steaua is like bad luck is following me. It is known that I had problems with the number of players before the match. More than that, at the beginning at the match we received a few yellow cards, which discouraged us. 

- How did you find Fiorentina?
- We met today a strong and very pragmatic team. On the first half the Italians didn’t surprised me at all. We were very well organized and they scored immediately when they had a good moment. 

- You changed Semedo with Lovin, a stopper. Arthuro would have been useful, wouldn’t he?
- I changed Semedo because he disappointed me, and Arthuro is a closed chapter for me from three weeks ago. It’s useless to comment on this theme.

- Do you think Steaua could have accomplished more in this group?
Of course I do! I think we disappointed this year in Champions League. We met strong adversaries, but I think we could have gained more points if we had a little luck. Everything is lost now and the boys will have a well-deserved holiday. 

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