Articol de Marian Ursescu - Publicat duminica, 08 februarie 2009 00:00
The pivot of the masculine handball team of Romania, Marian Cozma, died last night in Hungary. The 26 years old handball player was at a restaurant with his team mates celebrating the birth of a friends’ child. Marian Ursescu, about Marian 's death (video )
In that restaurant took place a quarrel with a group of gypsies, in which, Cozma, together with Ivan Pesici and Zarko Sesum (Veszprem) were attacked with the knives. The Romanian was stabbed in the heart and he died after almost two hours, meanwhile the doctors tried to save him. Valentin Ghionea: "We all are shockedabout what happened with Marian Cozma" (video)
The other two team mates are hospitalized and they are seriously injured! The Hungarian police confirmed the news! Şania: "Marian was a very kind man and he didn't deserve to die" (video)
The pivot of the masculine handball team of Romania, Marian Cozma, died last night in Hungary. The 26 years old handball player was at a restaurant with his team mates celebrating the birth of a friends’ child. Marian Ursescu, about Marian 's death (video )
In that restaurant took place a quarrel with a group of gypsies, in which, Cozma, together with Ivan Pesici and Zarko Sesum ( Veszprem) were attacked with the knives. The Romanian was stabbed in the heart and he died after almost two hours, meanwhile the doctors tried to save him. Valentin Ghionea: "We all are shockedabout what happened with Marian Cozma" (video)
The other two team mates are hospitalized and they are seriously injured! The Hungarian police confirmed the news! Şania: "Marian was a very kind man and he didn't deserve to die" (video)
UPDATE 1 // It seems that everything happened because of several men who supposedly had aggressed Marian Cozma’s girl friend. This one would have intervened, and here started the conflict.
UPDATE 2 // ”We were informed that this incident took place because of the alcohol consumption. We are waiting for more information. The police didn’t announce the Romanian Embassy, we found out from other sources”, declared Marian Ursuţ, the Romanian consul in Hungary, on GSP TV.
Buricea: "I am sure that Marian wanted to defend somebody" (video)
UPDATE 3 // It is supposed that the men who attacked Marian had also with them some weapons.
UPDATE 4 // ”I found out that there are TV cameras and there should exist some images. They were 4 or 5, they all have knives and I’ve heard they had also a gun”, said Vali Ghionea on GSP TV.
Sorin Bîrză: "I cannot realise that Marian Cozma died" (video)
UPDATE 5 // Marian Cozma would have been taken for someone else by the attackers
”Rareş Jurcă called me, Marian’s best friend, and told met hat he had been stabbed. The last i spoke with Marian was last night, at 11.00 p.m.”
PETRE COZMA, Marian’s father
"This can’t be true! I can’t believe this is true! Oh, I can’t believe it! I am speechless; I cannot believe this is real”
LEONARD BIBIRIG, former team mate at Dinamo
"I keep crying, I cannot speak"
AIHAN OMER, the spotter of Romania
”Now, I can’t believe this is true…I can’t realize that he died. I spoke with him last week when I came from Croatia”
SORIN BÎRZĂ, the goalkeeper from Dinamo
”I found out ten minutes ago from my colleagues. I saw some messages on my mobile and i thought they are making fun of me, but when I turned on the TV... I found oaut that he died in Ilyeş’s arms.
GEORGE BURICEA, player at HCM Constanţa
”All the people are shocked, and what happened is incredible. It is not normal for such a thing to happen nowadays”
VALI GHIONEA, player at Pick Szeged
”I am so sorry, Marian was a very kind man and he didn’t deserve to die. I am sure that we all will be at the funerals because Marian deserves to be there”
ALIN ŞANIA, player at Steaua
”This is a big affliction for the handball. I have never been his coach, but he was one of the greatest pivots in the making of the world”
VASILE STÎNGĂ, the coach of HCM Constanţa
”He will always be in our hearts. I have called Marian today, because I didn’t believe this, but nobody answered...”
VIOREL MAZILU, player at Steaua
Marian Cozma will be burried in the presentation suit from the World Championship from 2009
Marian Cozma, the pivot of the Romanian national team of handball land of the Hungarian team Veszprem, was killed yesterday night will be buried in the presentation suit from the World Championship from Croatia 2009.
The suit had been made especially before this event, especially for Romania’s participation to a new final tour after a big absence. Marian would have turned 27 years old in September.