Dorinel Munteanu to the supporters: "We need you!"

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 12 noiembrie 2008 00:00

Dorinel Munteanu asks the fans to be with him on Saturday, at his first match as coach in Ghencea. It is about the match with Timişoara, transmitted by Antena 1 and from 21:00

1-1 with Dinamo, 0-2 with Lyon and 0-0 with Rapid. These are the results which Dorinel Munteanu has as coach of the “red-blue” players, but all the matches were played away. He will start in Ghencea on Saturday, confronting with Poli.

"It’s time to win the first game at Steaua. That is why; I need the supporters to be with us on Saturday.  I want a full stadium, to lead us to the victory. I miss the atmosphere from Ghencea!",
said "the German" to the fans.

Munteanu says that he doesn’t want his team to make a show against Poli: "It’s useless to play well, if we do not win. The same happened with Dinamo and Rapid. I am less interested about the football quality in the match with Timişoara.  Only the 3 points are important! That’s all!".

 Dorinel’s last match as a player at Steaua was also with Poli Timişoara, 2-1 in 2005, whom end the red-blue players became champions.

Steaua has 10 consecutive matches without a victory; this thing has never happened in the history of the club.

teaua has an average of 12.900 spectators at the matches they played this season in Ghencea

Dorinel towards Pedriel: "Force me to use you at the team!"
The Bolivian Pedriel is the only offense player from Steaua who wasn’t even a reserve in the 3 matches played since Dorinel Munteanu came to Steaua. This happened after Arthuro and Neaga, the football players from Gigi Becali’s "black list", appeared again in the first team. "I said that everyone will have a chance. This is applicable for Pedriel, too, but he has to convince me to count on him only through the efficiency given at trainings", announced the coach.

"I am not worried about the distance of eight points which separates us from Dinamo. The Championship is not over! The boys are training very well; I told them that we are the only one who can help us finish with this bad time".

Dorinel Munteanu asks the fans to be with him on Saturday, at his first match as coach in Ghencea. It is about the match with Timişoara, transmitted by Antena 1 and from 21:00

1-1 with Dinamo, 0-2 with Lyon and 0-0 with Rapid. These are the results which Dorinel Munteanu has as coach of the “red-blue” players, but all the matches were played away. He will start in Ghencea on Saturday, confronting with Poli.

"It’s time to win the first game at Steaua. That is why; I need the supporters to be with us on Saturday.  I want a full stadium, to lead us to the victory. I miss the atmosphere from Ghencea!", said "the German" to the fans.

Munteanu says that he doesn’t want his team to make a show against Poli: "It’s useless to play well, if we do not win. The same happened with Dinamo and Rapid. I am less interested about the football quality in the match with Timişoara.  Only the 3 points are important! That’s all!".

 Dorinel’s last match as a player at Steaua was also with Poli Timişoara, 2-1 in 2005, whom end the red-blue players became champions.

Steaua has 10 consecutive matches without a victory; this thing has never happened in the history of the club.

Steaua has an average of 12.900 spectators at the matches they played this season in Ghencea

Dorinel towards Pedriel: "Force me to use you at the team!"
The Bolivian Pedriel is the only offense player from Steaua who wasn’t even a reserve in the 3 matches played since Dorinel Munteanu came to Steaua. This happened after Arthuro and Neaga, the football players from Gigi Becali’s "black list", appeared again in the first team. "I said that everyone will have a chance. This is applicable for Pedriel, too, but he has to convince me to count on him only through the efficiency given at trainings", announced the coach.

"I am not worried about the distance of eight points which separates us from Dinamo. The Championship is not over! The boys are training very well; I told them that we are the only one who can help us finish with this bad time".

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