România received in the preliminaries as many goals as Feroe! :O

Dani Coman, Coman, Romania
Dani Coman, Coman, Romania

Articol de GSP - Publicat duminica, 11 octombrie 2009 00:00

Romania managed the impossible in these preliminaries, to receive as many goals as Feroe Islands! The "tricolors" received in these preliminaries 17 goals, and on Wednesday they are going to play in the "derby" with Feroe.

The Romanian goalkeepers drew the ball out 17 times in these preliminaries, after they received only 7 goals in the qualifications for Euro2008, seeing the fact that then Romania evolved in 12 matches, whereas now we disputed 9 of 10! Serbia was the team which perforated the most times the Romanian goalpost, they scored 8 times.

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