Gigi Becali: "The supporters want the team to be suspended from the European Cups"

Gigi Becali, Becali, Steaua
Gigi Becali, Becali, Steaua

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 21 octombrie 2009 00:00

Gigi Becali, the sponsor of Steaua, explained at GSP TV how the supporters will have access on the stadium at the match with Fenerbahce from tomorrow.

"I ask the supporters to come three hours before the match, because there will be strict controls. I try to conciliate with them, I won’t offend them anymore. Some of them want to throw with bananas, to make discrimination, this is their aim.

But they are monitored; we know everything they are talking about. The supporters will pay for the damages they make. I made a penal claim for against 1.100 supporters for 80.000 euro which I had to give because of them. We will take any kind of measures in order to stop the disorderly acts.", said Gigi Becali at GSP TV.

» ...about the ideal public:
"The ideal public is the one in Ghencea, but it needs to stop the swearing and threatens. I feel very sorry that we reach up to this point, but there was no other measure left. I am not a dictator. I allow them to enter with banners through they question me, I agree to chant against me in the break and after the match, but not during the match"

» ...about the grievance of a supporter:
"I realized that I cannot get along with the supporters. A supporter told me not to call at the televisions and comment the match.  I told him that he is crazy, that I cannot comment the team way of playing. Before I came at Steaua, the supporters used to enter in the locker rooms!"

Gigi Becali, the sponsor of Steaua, explained at GSP TV how the supporters will have access on the stadium at the match with Fenerbahce from tomorrow.

"I ask the supporters to come three hours before the match, because there will be strict controls. I try to conciliate with them, I won’t offend them anymore. Some of them want to throw with bananas, to make discrimination, this is their aim.

But they are monitored; we know everything they are talking about. The supporters will pay for the damages they make. I made a penal claim for against 1.100 supporters for 80.000 euro which I had to give because of them. We will take any kind of measures in order to stop the disorderly acts.", said Gigi Becali at GSP TV.

» ...about the ideal public: "The ideal public is the one in Ghencea, but it needs to stop the swearing and threatens. I feel very sorry that we reach up to this point, but there was no other measure left. I am not a dictator. I allow them to enter with banners through they question me, I agree to chant against me in the break and after the match, but not during the match"

» ...about the grievance of a supporter: "I realized that I cannot get along with the supporters. A supporter told me not to call at the televisions and comment the match.  I told him that he is crazy, that I cannot comment the team way of playing. Before I came at Steaua, the supporters used to enter in the locker rooms!"

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