Daniel Cernat: "The suspension in the case Ganea may be up to 6 laps!". Does he deserve the biggest sanction?

Articol de GSP - Publicat duminica, 01 noiembrie 2009 00:00

The former president of the Discipline Commision, Daniel Cernat, has commented Liviu Ganea’s gesture in the match Astra - Ceahlăul, 1-1, and he says that the forward could receive up to six laps of suspension for having hit the adversary without ball in the end of the match from Ploieşti.

"For a hit without a ball on the field and without injuring the adversary it is dictated between two and six laps of suspension. I didn’t see the match, so I cannot comment, but these are the limits between which the sanction is dictated.

When I was at the Discipline Commission I dictated some suspensions even bigger, even of 21 laps, as it happened with Ionel Ganea, but no situation can be compared with another. The circumstances are different, the players are different, it will be judged according to the arbitration report, to the video record of the phase", said Cernat for

The former president of the Discipline Commision, Daniel Cernat, has commented Liviu Ganea’s gesture in the match Astra - Ceahlăul, 1-1, and he says that the forward could receive up to six laps of suspension for having hit the adversary without ball in the end of the match from Ploieşti.

"For a hit without a ball on the field and without injuring the adversary it is dictated between two and six laps of suspension. I didn’t see the match, so I cannot comment, but these are the limits between which the sanction is dictated.

When I was at the Discipline Commission I dictated some suspensions even bigger, even of 21 laps, as it happened with Ionel Ganea, but no situation can be compared with another. The circumstances are different, the players are different, it will be judged according to the arbitration report, to the video record of the phase", said Cernat for

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