Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 03 noiembrie 2009 00:00
Yesterday, at the head office of FRF, starting with 16:00, took place the ballot of the matches from the quarters of Romanian Cup Timişoreana. The teams qualified in this phase have been divided in two ballot boxes, such as:
THE BALLOT BOX A, the teams qualified on the places 1-6 in the previous season: Dinamo, CFR Cluj, FC Vaslui.
THE BALLOT BOX B, the teams which partecipated at this edition from League 1: FC Braşov, Gloria Bistriţa, Craiova, Astra, Internaţional Curtea de Argeş.
The matches are the following:
Astra Ploieşti - Dinamo Bucharest
U Craiova - CFR Cluj
FC Vaslui - Inter Curtea de Argeş
FC Braşov - Gloria Bistriţa
The matching system was the following one: They matched teams from the ballot box A with teams from the ballot box B (three matches), the organizers being the first teams drew. The teams which remained in the ballot box B will be matched between them, the first team drawn being the organizer of the game.
The matches from the quarter finals will be disputed in an eliminating system, in a single round, on the stadium of the team which will be establish through a ballot, on 17th and 18th November 2009.
Yesterday, at the head office of FRF, starting with 16:00, took place the ballot of the matches from the quarters of Romanian Cup Timişoreana. The teams qualified in this phase have been divided in two ballot boxes, such as:
THE BALLOT BOX A, the teams qualified on the places 1-6 in the previous season: Dinamo, CFR Cluj, FC Vaslui.
THE BALLOT BOX B, the teams which partecipated at this edition from League 1: FC Braşov, Gloria Bistriţa, Craiova, Astra, Internaţional Curtea de Argeş.
The matches are the following:
Astra Ploieşti - Dinamo Bucharest
U Craiova - CFR Cluj
FC Vaslui - Inter Curtea de Argeş
FC Braşov - Gloria Bistriţa
The matching system was the following one: They matched teams from the ballot box A with teams from the ballot box B (three matches), the organizers being the first teams drew. The teams which remained in the ballot box B will be matched between them, the first team drawn being the organizer of the game.
The matches from the quarter finals will be disputed in an eliminating system, in a single round, on the stadium of the team which will be establish through a ballot, on 17th and 18th November 2009.
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