Only 7 football players with the entire minutes played in the turn of League 1

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 21 decembrie 2009 00:00

The end of the turn of the season 2009-2010 from League 1 represent an excellent occasion of intermediate statistics.

If the general attention is concentrated mainly on the goal getters or on the teams with the best offensive or defensive, tells you who are the most labouring and constant football players of the turn.

After the 17 matches from the first part of the championship, only 7 players have managed to play the entire match for their teams. Two of them are from Astra, in the statistics being only one stranger. Below there is a list with them:

Ovidiu Mihalache (Astra)
Gheorghe Rohat (Astra)
Septimiu Albuţ (Gloria Bistriţa)
Daniel Barna (Ceahlăul)
Ovidiu Hoban (Gaz Metan)
Alin Chibulcutean (Pandurii)
Juliano Spadacio (Rapid)

The end of the turn of the season 2009-2010 from League 1 represent an excellent occasion of intermediate statistics.

If the general attention is concentrated mainly on the goal getters or on the teams with the best offensive or defensive, tells you who are the most labouring and constant football players of the turn.

After the 17 matches from the first part of the championship, only 7 players have managed to play the entire match for their teams. Two of them are from Astra, in the statistics being only one stranger. Below there is a list with them:

Ovidiu Mihalache (Astra)
Gheorghe Rohat (Astra)
Septimiu Albuţ (Gloria Bistriţa)
Daniel Barna (Ceahlăul)
Ovidiu Hoban (Gaz Metan)
Alin Chibulcutean (Pandurii)
Juliano Spadacio (Rapid)

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