Gică Craioveanu about the decision of the Executive Committee: "How shall Florentino Perez cut to Raul half of the salary?" :X

Gica Craioveanu, Craioveanu
Gica Craioveanu, Craioveanu

Articol de - Publicat marti, 22 decembrie 2009 00:00

Gică Craioveanu, the former Romanian international, cannot imagine that the decision which the Executive Committee arrived at today will be enforced, a decision through which the clubs may decrease the salaries of the players with up to 50% without their assent.

"Who has made this decision? The biggest nonsense I have ever heard! How should the clubs change the contracts without the players’ assent? Forget about the contract! Once you have signed an agreement, nobody is allowed to change it just like that", commented Gică Craioveanu for GSP.RO.

He tried to put himself in the players’ place who could have changes of salaries without their agreement: "Let’s say that I have 150.000 euro. If a sponsor who does not like me comes at the team, what shall I do? He decides one day to cut half of my salary. Such a thing does not exist anywhere in the world!

I speak now as a former football player, it is not normal to be made such a decision, you cannot force the player. Maybe he gave up a great contract from abroad to remain at your team, and you recompense him by decreasing the salary? How shall Florentino Perez cut to Raul half of the salary without his assent?", added Craioveanu.

...about coaching: "Does not attract me for the moment. I like the life I have now; I spend a lot of time with my family. I work in a domain which I like. The post of sportscaster keeps me close to football and this is what I have always wanted"

...about the elections from FRF: "I don’t think I am the right person for this position. You must be sober there, to get angry sometimes, and I like jokes. I am a cheerful person, I like to make jokes" :D

Gică Craioveanu, the former Romanian international, cannot imagine that the decision which the Executive Committee arrived at today will be enforced, a decision through which the clubs may decrease the salaries of the players with up to 50% without their assent.

"Who has made this decision? The biggest nonsense I have ever heard! How should the clubs change the contracts without the players’ assent? Forget about the contract! Once you have signed an agreement, nobody is allowed to change it just like that", commented Gică Craioveanu for GSP.RO.

He tried to put himself in the players’ place who could have changes of salaries without their agreement: "Let’s say that I have 150.000 euro. If a sponsor who does not like me comes at the team, what shall I do? He decides one day to cut half of my salary. Such a thing does not exist anywhere in the world!

I speak now as a former football player, it is not normal to be made such a decision, you cannot force the player. Maybe he gave up a great contract from abroad to remain at your team, and you recompense him by decreasing the salary? How shall Florentino Perez cut to Raul half of the salary without his assent?", added Craioveanu.

...about coaching: "Does not attract me for the moment. I like the life I have now; I spend a lot of time with my family. I work in a domain which I like. The post of sportscaster keeps me close to football and this is what I have always wanted"

...about the elections from FRF: "I don’t think I am the right person for this position. You must be sober there, to get angry sometimes, and I like jokes. I am a cheerful person, I like to make jokes" :D

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