Iovov towards Stoichiţă: "Promise me that I will play!"

Articol de , - Publicat duminica, 10 ianuarie 2010 00:00

Stoichita went yesterday to Sofia, where Iovov asked to be guaranteed that they will rely on him. The officials from Steaua announce that the Bulgarian is decided to accept the offer

Hristo Iovov doesn’t want to have Bibiskov’s destiny. The Bulgarian of 32 years old wants to have the guarantee that he will be considered an important player in Ghencea. That is what he said to Mihai Stoichita yesterday, at the meeting they had at Sofia. The coach went there especially to negotiate Iovov’s transfer at Steaua with the officials from Levski.

Why is the player so interested to play as much as possible? Because his future depends on a condition stipulated in the agreement with the club from Ghencea. If he plays in at least 75 % of the matches in the return, which means at least 13, his contract will be extended automatically for another year. Iovov would obtain in this situation a salary increase. In comparison with the 10.000 euro on month, as he asked until this summer, his income would reach at 12.500 euro on month. So, 60.000 euro for the return and another 150.000 for the season 2010-2011.

Beside these fix amounts; the forward could also take some substantial bonuses according to the performances of the team. Winning the championship with Steaua could bring him 50.000 euro, while the access in Champions League from the 2nd place and if they pass the preliminary tours he could be richer with 80.000 euro.

"I say that Iovov is already taken, one hundred per cent! He convinced me because he has spoken nice about Steaua, and he also had many recommendations"
Gigi Becali, sponsor Steaua

Iovov is too expensive for Levski!
Iovov’s transfer in Ghencea is mediated also by the difficult financial status in which it is the present club of the Bulgarian, Levski Sofia. "I’ll make everything I can to save the club from the financial crisis. I have spoken with many players who have big salaries to propose them a decrease", declared Todor Batkov, Levski’s sponsor. Iovov is the player with the biggest salary in Levski’s team, having 120.000 euro on one year.

How much did the forwards from Steaua play in the turn of League 1
Player    Matches    Percentage
Surdu    17    100%
Kapetanos    15    88%
B. Stancu    10    59%
Dayro    5    30%
Bibiskov    1    6%

Stoichita went yesterday to Sofia, where Iovov asked to be guaranteed that they will rely on him. The officials from Steaua announce that the Bulgarian is decided to accept the offer

Hristo Iovov doesn’t want to have Bibiskov’s destiny. The Bulgarian of 32 years old wants to have the guarantee that he will be considered an important player in Ghencea. That is what he said to Mihai Stoichita yesterday, at the meeting they had at Sofia. The coach went there especially to negotiate Iovov’s transfer at Steaua with the officials from Levski.

Why is the player so interested to play as much as possible? Because his future depends on a condition stipulated in the agreement with the club from Ghencea. If he plays in at least 75 % of the matches in the return, which means at least 13, his contract will be extended automatically for another year. Iovov would obtain in this situation a salary increase. In comparison with the 10.000 euro on month, as he asked until this summer, his income would reach at 12.500 euro on month. So, 60.000 euro for the return and another 150.000 for the season 2010-2011.

Beside these fix amounts; the forward could also take some substantial bonuses according to the performances of the team. Winning the championship with Steaua could bring him 50.000 euro, while the access in Champions League from the 2nd place and if they pass the preliminary tours he could be richer with 80.000 euro.

"I say that Iovov is already taken, one hundred per cent! He convinced me because he has spoken nice about Steaua, and he also had many recommendations"
Gigi Becali, sponsor Steaua

Iovov is too expensive for Levski!
Iovov’s transfer in Ghencea is mediated also by the difficult financial status in which it is the present club of the Bulgarian, Levski Sofia. "I’ll make everything I can to save the club from the financial crisis. I have spoken with many players who have big salaries to propose them a decrease", declared Todor Batkov, Levski’s sponsor. Iovov is the player with the biggest salary in Levski’s team, having 120.000 euro on one year.

How much did the forwards from Steaua play in the turn of League 1
Player    Matches    Percentage
Surdu    17    100%
Kapetanos    15    88%
B. Stancu    10    59%
Dayro    5    30%
Bibiskov    1    6%

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