Attorney Ciubotă: "The case called «The Suitcase» has been already judged after the evidence from DNA"

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 23 aprilie 2010 00:00

The attorney LPF, Cătălin Ciubotă, explained in an interview given to Gazeta the situation from the case called "The Suitcase".

- Mr. Attorney, the case called "The Suitcase" was reopened...
- It was reopened once last summer, when the commissions moved from FRF to LPF. Then the cause was suspended after two settings, in which didn’t appear new proves, although Mititelu and Lăcătuş had been heard. A very correct thing made by the commissions.

- What about now?
- At the commissions the case was judged on the basis of all the evidences in the indictment of DNA and they had given a decision that remained irrevocable. We need evidences, new elements to rejudge this case. The most important element will be the decision of the Court. Otherwise, how shall you give two sanctions for the same deed or two different decisions for the same deed?

- What do you mean by new evidences?
- New facts, new persons involved in committing a disciplinary divergence. Things are clear in the indictment; the situation was correctly integrated at attempt to manipulate the matches, the article 61, and not to corruption. 

- But if the evidences, facts, new elements appear, would be judged on the old statute, which provides only a punishment of taking maximum 9 points, or on the new one, which provides the degradation?
- On principle it would be judged on the old statute. This is my juridical opinion, but the commissions of LPF can decide independently, according to the circumstances.

If the case would be reopened and they would decide that Steaua is guilty, they would apply the sanctions in the statute valid in 2008, and Steaua could lose up to 9 points. These points would be taken from the fortune accumulated in this championship!

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