The end of a beautiful story » A heroic dead for Unirea against Hajduk

Pablo Brandan, Brandan, Unirea Urziceni
Pablo Brandan, Brandan, Unirea Urziceni

Articol de - Publicat vineri, 20 august 2010 00:00

Unirea is no longer the team which won 8 points in last year's Champions League group stage. Last night they were ripped to pieces by Hajduk Split.

Levy's boys wanted to win where Dinamo failed. On Poljud Arena, in front of the feared Torcida, Onofraş (12) hit the cross bar with an artistic shot and a great pass from Bordeanu. Rusescu (23) almost managed to score after a mistake in Hajduk's defense, but luck wasn't on his side.

A goal filled with hope
When they saw that Unirea wasn't a team to joke about, Poklepovici's boys started attacking. Ibricici (32) hit the post with a spectacular shot, but a few minutes later Sorin Frunză was the one to score a beautiful goal. The confidence gained with thie goal was shattered by the excellent finishing by Ibricici (39) that left Galamaz and Cătălin Grigore gazing. It was the beggining of the end

Ibricici, The Torcida from the pitch
Hajduk's fans poured concrete in the boots of the Romanian players that only tried to surprise the Croations on the counterattack. In the 66th minute, Ibricici went solo and scored a magnificent goal, making it clear that he was worth the 2 million euros Hajduk spend on him. Hajduk's star crossed perfectly from a corner and Brljaka (78) was again ruthless with the Romanians, after he also managed to score against Dinamo just two weeks ago. Cop (85) gave the finishing blow. Unirea is left with only a fools hope for the return game.

Bilaşco requested a penalty
Invisible last night on the pitch, Bilaşco requested a penalty in the 87th minute. Unirea's striker fell in Hajduk's penalty area, but the Italian referee wasn't impressed by the Romanians simulation.

8 goals scored Hajduk Split in the matches against the Romanian teams this season (4 against Dinamo, 4 against Unirea)

Unirea is no longer the team which won 8 points in last year's Champions League group stage. Last night they were ripped to pieces by Hajduk Split.

Levy's boys wanted to win where Dinamo failed. On Poljud Arena, in front of the feared Torcida, Onofraş (12) hit the cross bar with an artistic shot and a great pass from Bordeanu. Rusescu (23) almost managed to score after a mistake in Hajduk's defense, but luck wasn't on his side.

A goal filled with hope
When they saw that Unirea wasn't a team to joke about, Poklepovici's boys started attacking. Ibricici (32) hit the post with a spectacular shot, but a few minutes later Sorin Frunză was the one to score a beautiful goal. The confidence gained with thie goal was shattered by the excellent finishing by Ibricici (39) that left Galamaz and Cătălin Grigore gazing. It was the beggining of the end

Ibricici, The Torcida from the pitch
Hajduk's fans poured concrete in the boots of the Romanian players that only tried to surprise the Croations on the counterattack. In the 66th minute, Ibricici went solo and scored a magnificent goal, making it clear that he was worth the 2 million euros Hajduk spend on him. Hajduk's star crossed perfectly from a corner and Brljaka (78) was again ruthless with the Romanians, after he also managed to score against Dinamo just two weeks ago. Cop (85) gave the finishing blow. Unirea is left with only a fools hope for the return game.

Bilaşco requested a penalty
Invisible last night on the pitch, Bilaşco requested a penalty in the 87th minute. Unirea's striker fell in Hajduk's penalty area, but the Italian referee wasn't impressed by the Romanians simulation.

8 goals scored Hajduk Split in the matches against the Romanian teams this season (4 against Dinamo, 4 against Unirea)

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