A referee from Iasi was beaten like in the Wild West

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 14 octombrie 2008 00:00

Western in the 4th League from Iasi County.  Assistant referee Ştefan Tudorache was beaten on Sunday, like in the movies, when he turned back from Tîrgu Frumos to Iasi. “I was delegated to be the central referee at the match between Viitorul Tîrgu Frumos and AS Breazu. 12 players from the guests did not have the necessary medical visa and that is why I did not allowed the start of the match. Around 12:00 on my way back to Iasi, a car blocked me off in Bălţaţi, in which there were 4 players from Breazu. I was taken out of my car by force by the players; I was punched and heated with feet even after I had fallen to the earth. One of my assistants, Daniel Ştefănescu, who was in my car tried to intervene, but he didn’t managed to stop them. I made a complaint to the police, I informed the AJF Iasi about what happened, and now I want to be taken all the legal actions” said Tudorache about the nightmare he had to go through on one of the European roads from our country, in the middle of a Sunday

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