Dragomir: "There will be some time when the people will kill each other on the stadium" :S

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 26 aprilie 2010 00:00

The leader from LPF says that not only the hooligans should be banned on the stadia, but also the leaders from football that instigate to violence.

"I didn’t say that we will reach here. There will be some time when the people will kill each other on the stadium. This is what I said. Until we do not take some measures against the leaders that instigate to violence we won’t solve anything.

We need to take serious measures against them and the supporters who ruin the sports show. We will be even worse. The laws of the country should be respected. The leaders that make this kind of things should be banned on the stadium just like the supporters.

The leaders are the main guilty, they are instigating to violence, and they should be banned on the stadia just like any hooligan. Those who give themselves to hooliganisms shall be judged as such", declared Dumitru Dragomir for Mediafax.

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Comentarii (1)
 •  16 Mai 2010, 10:46

ce facurati ma englezilor?

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