Fabbiani has the morale low after the separation from his wife! Find out why he took weight!

Articol de GSP - Publicat duminica, 28 februarie 2010 00:00

Known as one of the players with an agitated night lifestyle, Christian Fabbiani seemed to have found the peace when he married with the beautiful Victoria Vanucci.

However, things didn’t work as the former forward of CFR would have wanted to be, and the Argentinean model has announced recently that the relationship with Fabbiani broke.  Fabbiani wanted to express his opinion within the show Nico Transnochado, saying that Victoria is the most important woman in his life and that he still considers her to be his partner.

"Victoria is the woman of my life and I will still wearing the ring that symbolizes our marriage. Many girls say that they went out with me, that we made different disgraceful things, but there is nothing true.
Many lies are coming to light, and this hurts me. I suffer, but I have to get over all the difficult moments which seem not to end anymore", said Fabbiani in the interview given to Nicolas Repetto.

The Argentinean press has found this way the reason why Fabbiani took some weight and the main determinant factor of the wish to leave Argentina. The problems from his personal life and the attacks he stands from all directions determined Fabbiani to declare within the show: "Here, you can speak for free, you can say anything! I don’t want to stay anymore; I will leave, no matter what the risks would be".

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