Gigi Becali: "Piturca took the staff and he left! I'm looking for another coach!"

Articol de GSP - Publicat duminica, 08 august 2010 00:00

Gigi Becali, Steaua boss, confirmed the exclusive story launched by GSP.RO, that Victor Piturca and his staff resigned from the club.

"I don't want to change a friend in a enemi. I don't want to say anything from now. He took the staff and he left. I don't want to comment. Last night, I spoke with him, but life goes on. Victor Piţurcă said to the players that he will leave. Why have I convince him to turn back?", said Gigi Becali.

"All the discutions with Victor Piţurcă were friendly, it wasn't no argue between us. I didn't agree with his desires. We have a agreement and we go on, but he came with other rules on the way. If he demands to me these clauses, we don't separate", said Becali.

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