Mihai Stoichiţă about transfers: "This does not depend on me!"

Mihai Stoichita, Stoichita, Steaua
Mihai Stoichita, Stoichita, Steaua

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 17 ianuarie 2010 00:00

Stoichiţă declares himself helpless with respect to the transfers, but he repeats the condition to win the championship: to buy a stopper and forward

- Mr. Stoichiţă, why did you schedule only one friendly match for the training camp in Antalya?
- Because we will have enough training matches in the second training camp. The first one is reserved to the accumulations. We will work hard at the physical training, this is our interest.

- So you will wait until February to evaluate the team?
- Of course. So far, my aim is to go back to Bucharest, at the end of January, with all the players healthy, I want to be secure from injuries.

- Timişoara and CFR Cluj left in Antalya, too and in the same day, but with more new players than Steaua. Are you worried about this thing?
- I saw that they made some investments, both teams have new players. But we have a good move; too, his name is Jelev.

"I need only two"
- This will remain the only move?
- I don’t know, it does not depend only on me.

- But have you discussed with Gigi Becali about acquisitions?
- No, why to discuss? Do you think that the sponsor needs me to tell him what to do? He knows very well what he has to do. Only the leaders can have initiatives. As coach, I only say my opinions, I inform them about some wishes I have in a certain moment.

- What are your wishes in this moment?
- Another defender and a forward. If I have them, I will be content.

- Are you mad because the acquisitions delay?
- Do I look as mad person? I don’t think so.

- Did you agree with Dayro’s transfer at Timişoara?
- Moreno is free to make whatever he wants, depends of him where he wants to go. Sincerely, I think that he is not lost irremediably for football.

The team of Steaua in Antalya:
Zapata, Tătăruşanu, Lungu
P. Marin, Ghionea, Jelev, Golanski, E. Baciu, Emeghara, Ninu, Al. Tudose, Al. Filip
Cr. Tănase, Szekely, Nicoliţă, Pleşan, Toja, Ov. Petre, Onicaş, Bicfalvi, A. Ionescu, Tudela, Bejan, Năstăsie
Kapetanos, Surdu, B. Stancu

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