Şiman: "Have we ever made business with Dinamo to do it now, too?"

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 02 iunie 2010 00:00

The sponsor of the club Sportul Studenţesc, Vasile Şiman, has declared today that there is "an intention" from the club Rapid to transfer the midfielder Tiberiu Bălan, but he specified that the club from Giuleşti didn’t present any offer.

"For the moment, there is only an intention for transfer from the club Rapid for Bălan, but it is not about a clear offer", declared Şiman for Mediafax.

Asked about the possibility for Tiberiu Bălan and Dacian Varga to be transferred at Dinamo, Vasile Şiman said: "Have we ever made business with Dinamo to do it now, too? In this moment there is no offer for the two".

Dacian Varga and Tiberiu Bălan have been borrowed in the return of the previous season at Rapid from Sportul Studenţesc, after the closure of the transfer period from league 1, and they could only evolve in the match with Poli Timişoara, because the Professional Football League annulled their visas for League 1.

The sponsor of the club Sportul Studenţesc, Vasile Şiman, has declared today that there is "an intention" from the club Rapid to transfer the midfielder Tiberiu Bălan, but he specified that the club from Giuleşti didn’t present any offer.

"For the moment, there is only an intention for transfer from the club Rapid for Bălan, but it is not about a clear offer", declared Şiman for Mediafax.

Asked about the possibility for Tiberiu Bălan and Dacian Varga to be transferred at Dinamo, Vasile Şiman said: "Have we ever made business with Dinamo to do it now, too? In this moment there is no offer for the two".

Dacian Varga and Tiberiu Bălan have been borrowed in the return of the previous season at Rapid from Sportul Studenţesc, after the closure of the transfer period from league 1, and they could only evolve in the match with Poli Timişoara, because the Professional Football League annulled their visas for League 1.

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