Steaua-Dinamo will be refereed by a brigade from Italy, Spain or Ukraine!

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 24 august 2009 00:00

The president of CCA, Vasile Avram, declared some time ago that Steaua and Dinamo had sent requests in order to be refereed by a foreign brigade at the derby, but if until Wednesday at 14:00 they don’t receive a positive answer, the match will be ran by the Romanian referees.

"Thin morning I checked the faxes received and I noticed that only Dinamo has sent a request to have foreign referees at the derby with Steaua and then arrived also the request of the team from Ghencea.

I have already sent requests to the federations in Italy, Spain and Ukraine, but if until Wednesday at 14:00 we don’t receive the agreement from those institutions, the match will be ran by a Romanian brigade.

It is useless if we receive it later, because we don’t have time, we have the reservation at the plane tickets for those referees", said Avram for NewsIn.

The derby Steaua-Dinamo, from the 5th lap of League 1, will be disputed on Sunday, from 21:00, on the stadium from Ghencea.

The president of CCA, Vasile Avram, declared some time ago that Steaua and Dinamo had sent requests in order to be refereed by a foreign brigade at the derby, but if until Wednesday at 14:00 they don’t receive a positive answer, the match will be ran by the Romanian referees.

"Thin morning I checked the faxes received and I noticed that only Dinamo has sent a request to have foreign referees at the derby with Steaua and then arrived also the request of the team from Ghencea.

I have already sent requests to the federations in Italy, Spain and Ukraine, but if until Wednesday at 14:00 we don’t receive the agreement from those institutions, the match will be ran by a Romanian brigade.

It is useless if we receive it later, because we don’t have time, we have the reservation at the plane tickets for those referees", said Avram for NewsIn.

The derby Steaua-Dinamo, from the 5th lap of League 1, will be disputed on Sunday, from 21:00, on the stadium from Ghencea.

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Comentarii (1)
 •  25 August 2009, 11:11

your English sucks.

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