Stoichiţă: "We needed this very cold shower"

Mihai Stoichita, Stoichita, Steaua
Mihai Stoichita, Stoichita, Steaua

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 10 februarie 2010 00:00

Mihai Stoichiţă admits that the team makes unhallowed mistakes, especially on the defensive side, but he says he is not worried

- Mr. Stoichiţă, how did you receive the first failure of this training camp?
- As a very cold shower. Maybe it is good that it came now and not after two-three matches, because this would have meant an official match, when we play on real points. This will wake us to reality, although it wasn’t that bad.

- What did satisfy you?
- The fact that we had many occasions at the goalpost, that we passed, that we dominated. We received the first goal after we destroyed them at our corner, nut they felt on the counter-attack and Bicfalvi misinterpreted the game.  

- You reprimanded Eric a lot.
- Can’t you see that the individual errors because of which we lost have been two childish mistakes made by two children, Bicfalvi and Tătăruşanu? But I cannot be upset on them forever, they are my students and we will repair everything.

- What did discontent you?
We need to administer more carefully the phases of the adversaries on the defensive side. We can remedy this until the return starts.

"We lost, but I am not worried.  We are here to have some friendly matches, and not to make a good CV in Antalya, but to prepare the team from the tactical, physical and psychological point of view. Things change when the stake comes up"
Mihai Stoichiţă

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