The referees ask the prosecutors intervention: "DNA shall come!"

Articol de , - Publicat marti, 27 octombrie 2009 00:00

Several referees have asked the intromission of the anticorruption prosecutors of proctoring the promotion exam which will take place this week

After 6 months since the Romanian arbitration has been stirred by the intervention of DNA Piteşti, the anticorruption prosecutors are solicited exactly by some referees in activity. Many "centrals" and the assistants from all the leagues in Romania have made an official address to DNA. "We want to monitor how the promotion exams are organized at the first three echelons", wrote the referees in that request.

Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, CCA has 18 vacancies of "centrals" and 28 of assistants for Leagues 1, 2 and 3. The tests raise some questions, a few of the referees have sent a letter to Gazeta Sporturilor, signed "a group of incorruptible referees".

"A group of referees who don’t have a father, uncle, brother-in-law or an amount of money available for bribe informs you about a very serious situation of corruption and traffic with subjects. There is a rumour that if you want to promote you have to pay 10.000 euro for League 1, 7.000 euro foe League 2 and 5.000 for League 3" is the first accusation.

"As long as Vasile Avram’s younger son, who candidates at League 1, will managed by himself, Constantin Ştefan’s son, the secretary of CCA and the one who makes the subjects, will promote himself, too, why shall we, the other concur?", affirm those referees, who indicate Vasile Avram, Constantin Ştefan and Cornel Sorescu, the last being named "the chief collector", as being those who will manipulate the candidates papers.

"This is the last fraud that can exist on the Earth! The actions which that referees are talking about are made by deceivers, who have taken with both hands, but now they blame me. I am very curious to discover these deceivers, who want to make evil"

Vasile Avram, president of CCA

"I have access to the subjects! I am sated with this kind of liars. De unde pînă unde să iau eu bani de la ei? They are idiots and distressful, whom I will bring to trial!"
Cornel Sorescu, member at CCA

Several referees have asked the intromission of the anticorruption prosecutors of proctoring the promotion exam which will take place this week

After 6 months since the Romanian arbitration has been stirred by the intervention of DNA Piteşti, the anticorruption prosecutors are solicited exactly by some referees in activity. Many "centrals" and the assistants from all the leagues in Romania have made an official address to DNA. "We want to monitor how the promotion exams are organized at the first three echelons", wrote the referees in that request.

Tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, CCA has 18 vacancies of "centrals" and 28 of assistants for Leagues 1, 2 and 3. The tests raise some questions, a few of the referees have sent a letter to Gazeta Sporturilor, signed "a group of incorruptible referees".

"A group of referees who don’t have a father, uncle, brother-in-law or an amount of money available for bribe informs you about a very serious situation of corruption and traffic with subjects. There is a rumour that if you want to promote you have to pay 10.000 euro for League 1, 7.000 euro foe League 2 and 5.000 for League 3" is the first accusation.

"As long as Vasile Avram’s younger son, who candidates at League 1, will managed by himself, Constantin Ştefan’s son, the secretary of CCA and the one who makes the subjects, will promote himself, too, why shall we, the other concur?", affirm those referees, who indicate Vasile Avram, Constantin Ştefan and Cornel Sorescu, the last being named "the chief collector", as being those who will manipulate the candidates papers.

"This is the last fraud that can exist on the Earth! The actions which that referees are talking about are made by deceivers, who have taken with both hands, but now they blame me. I am very curious to discover these deceivers, who want to make evil"

Vasile Avram, president of CCA

"I have access to the subjects! I am sated with this kind of liars. De unde pînă unde să iau eu bani de la ei? They are idiots and distressful, whom I will bring to trial!"
Cornel Sorescu, member at CCA

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