The serial Tall continues! The Cypriots made the Sengalese go back from his travel to Romania

Gora Tall, Tall, Steaua
Gora Tall, Tall, Steaua

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 21 februarie 2010 00:00

The defender should have arrived yesterday at Bucharest, but APOP stopped him at the last moment, because Steaua has changed the transfer conditions

The negotiations for Gora Tall have survived to the competition break and they will continue next week, too. Steaua was close to obtain the Senegalese defender for whom insists Stoichiţă, but things changed dramatically in just a few hours. Tall had his luggage packed for Bucharest; he had to arrive on Otopeni around 18:30, but a phone call from the club changed his plans. "You won’t leave to Steaua!" was announced the player.

The Cypriots affirm that "Romanians have changed the financial conditions on which we agreed. This offer is degrading for the club and for the football player! It is much beneath our expectations! We are open to the discussion and it is possible to conclude this business in the next days, as it is also the possibility so that everything finished for good! Now everything depends on Steaua". Tall (25 years old) is wanted in Ghencea as borrow until this summer, with an option of definitive transfer. The African of 1,90 meters was chosen by Mihai Stoichiţă as an alternative to Edwin Ouon, the Rwandese who occupied the first position on the acquisitions list of the coach.

45 days
have passed since Steaua opened the negotiations for Gora Tall

1 match has Tall for the national team of Senegal, a selection which he obtained in a friendly match

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