Articol de Viorel Tudorache - Publicat marti, 17 martie 2009 00:00
TThe captain of the national team, Cristi Chivu, will not play for at least a month.
Victor Piturca received a blow today after the news that Chivu is injured for the decisive match against Serbia and Austria. The defender made an magnetic resonance yesterday and the result was not a nice one: one month on the side.
Florentin Petre is the second injured player that Piturca can not count on. He is out for some time with an injured knee.
TThe captain of the national team, Cristi Chivu, will not play for at least a month.
Victor Piturca received a blow today after the news that Chivu is injured for the decisive match against Serbia and Austria. The defender made an magnetic resonance yesterday and the result was not a nice one: one month on the side.
Florentin Petre is the second injured player that Piturca can not count on. He is out for some time with an injured knee.
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