Hănescu was eliminated in the first tour at BCR Open

Articol de - Publicat miercuri, 23 septembrie 2009 00:00

It is difficult to move from hard to scobs, but it is even harder to play the fourth match in five days. Tired and unstrung psychically and physically after the match of Davis Cup with Sweden, Victor returned in Bucharest on Monday. And yesterday he had to play against the Spanish Oscar Hernandez. "I asked to enter on Wednesday, but the supervisor didn’t agree", explained Hane.

"I didn’t have energy, I couldn’t move myself. If I had one more say, this would have made the difference. I played the last 6-7 tournaments on hard, then Davis Cup indoor"
Victor Hănescu

"I haven’t felt the pressure of being the main favorite. I tried to feel good, I tried to play the best I could and I thanks to the audience that supported me
Victor Hănescu

It is difficult to move from hard to scobs, but it is even harder to play the fourth match in five days. Tired and unstrung psychically and physically after the match of Davis Cup with Sweden, Victor returned in Bucharest on Monday. And yesterday he had to play against the Spanish Oscar Hernandez. "I asked to enter on Wednesday, but the supervisor didn’t agree", explained Hane.

"I didn’t have energy, I couldn’t move myself. If I had one more say, this would have made the difference. I played the last 6-7 tournaments on hard, then Davis Cup indoor"
Victor Hănescu

"I haven’t felt the pressure of being the main favorite. I tried to feel good, I tried to play the best I could and I thanks to the audience that supported me
Victor Hănescu

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Comentarii (1)
 •  24 Septembrie 2009, 08:09

Se spune first round, nu first tour. 2. Unstrun inseamna neracordat, puternic este strong, nu strung. 3. Se spune the Spaniard, nu Spanish. In rest e perfect, bravo! :)

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