The process from "The transfers' file" was moved to the Court of Justice Bucharest

Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 15 ianuarie 2009 00:00

The trial court decided that the process from “The transfers file” will be moved to the Court of Justice Bucharest

Among the eight accused, only Jean Pădureanu and Mihai Stoica appeared to the second term scheduled for this morning to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, assisted by their attorneys. The rest of the accused were absent, but they were represented.

After a few minutes of discussion when most of the attorneys agreed to move the process to the Court of Justice Bucharest, according to the art. 40 from the Penal Code, because the accused George Copos lost the quality of senator, the magistrates announced that the process will be moved. The only one who opposed to the process moving to the Court of Justice Bucharest was Viorel Roş, George Copos’s attorney who considers him "a victim of the political games".

Judiciary sources affirm that the process will continue to a common court, to the Court of Justice Bucharest. Victor Becali’s attorney, Doru Viorel Ursu thinks the same. "See you in the court!", declared he to the press in the end.

 Art. 40 The competence if the accused changes his statute

    When the court competence is determined by the accused statute, the court remains competent to judge even if the accused does not have anymore that statute after he committed the infraction, in the following cases:
    a) the deed is related to the job responsibilities of the accused;
    b) it was given a decision in the first appearance.

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