Did Mutu become a victim of the counterfeit medicines from Romania?

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 29 ianuarie 2010 00:00

A proof of the fact that you may be tested positive with sibutramine, without thinking that such a thing could happen to you when you make a natural cure, is the pending case of the prosecutors of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT)

The Romanian judicial authorities managed to dissolve a group of organized crime which brought last year in the country a huge quantity of counterfeit alimentary supplements like "The Chinese slimming tablet". Searches, detentions and arrests took place at the end of November 2009. According to the press release of DIICOT from November 26, "the alimentary supplements were counterfeit in China and imported in Romania through a company whose partners were the defendants F.A. and O.S.". The two co-opted also the defendant F.I., for the distribution of this product, profiting by the relations he had at the pharmacies and the shops tip "Plafar".

The presence of sibutramine - a derivate of amfetamine – in the composition of the "Sliming tablet" from a certain series was discovered in Europe in 2009. The European authorities from the domain of health have issued then an alert notification after they discovered the sibutramine in those tablets after some analysis, although its presence is prohibited in the alimentary supplements, informed DIICOT, on November last year.

More domiciliary searches have been made on November 25 in Bucharest. 230.000 products like "Sliming tablet", "Super Slim Green Fruit", "The Chinese slimming tablet" have been captured but also other products from the category of the alimentary supplements, all imported from China.

A proof of the fact that you may be tested positive with sibutramine, without thinking that such a thing could happen to you when you make a natural cure, is the pending case of the prosecutors of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism ( DIICOT)

The Romanian judicial authorities managed to dissolve a group of organized crime which brought last year in the country a huge quantity of counterfeit alimentary supplements like "The Chinese slimming tablet". Searches, detentions and arrests took place at the end of November 2009. According to the press release of DIICOT from November 26, "the alimentary supplements were counterfeit in China and imported in Romania through a company whose partners were the defendants F.A. and O.S.". The two co-opted also the defendant F.I., for the distribution of this product, profiting by the relations he had at the pharmacies and the shops tip "Plafar".

The presence of sibutramine - a derivate of amfetamine – in the composition of the "Sliming tablet" from a certain series was discovered in Europe in 2009. The European authorities from the domain of health have issued then an alert notification after they discovered the sibutramine in those tablets after some analysis, although its presence is prohibited in the alimentary supplements, informed DIICOT, on November last year.

More domiciliary searches have been made on November 25 in Bucharest. 230.000 products like "Sliming tablet", "Super Slim Green Fruit", "The Chinese slimming tablet" have been captured but also other products from the category of the alimentary supplements, all imported from China.

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