Dan Petrescu: „We are always playing offensively, crowded”

dan petrescu
dan petrescu

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 23 noiembrie 2009 00:00

The coach from Unirea Urziceni has even made a comparison between the two teams which will confront on Tuesday on the arena from Ghencea: "I don’t know if they will play offensively, we are always playing offensively, crowded and we try to win.

We created occasions in the turn, too, but I am sure that this time we will have even more occasions. If you attack with Mercedes and you attack with Dacia, Mercedes will be the winner in the end. We need to work more and run double, but we have to attack.

Sevilla may be relaxed and play good, and it may also spare some players, but it has a team of 19 football players very good. Fabiano is the goal getter of the competition and I think that he wants to play, too".

the source: NewsIn

The coach from Unirea Urziceni has even made a comparison between the two teams which will confront on Tuesday on the arena from Ghencea: "I don’t know if they will play offensively, we are always playing offensively, crowded and we try to win.

We created occasions in the turn, too, but I am sure that this time we will have even more occasions. If you attack with Mercedes and you attack with Dacia, Mercedes will be the winner in the end. We need to work more and run double, but we have to attack.

Sevilla may be relaxed and play good, and it may also spare some players, but it has a team of 19 football players very good. Fabiano is the goal getter of the competition and I think that he wants to play, too".

the source: NewsIn

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