CAS » Mutu must pay 17 million euros to Chelsea!

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 31 iulie 2009 00:00

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has dismissed friday the appeal filed by the Romanian football player, Adrian Mutu, against the decision of FIFA. The Romanian player is forced to pay 17 million euros to his former club, Chelsea London. Mutu must pay damages to Chelsea, for the cocaine scandal in which he was implicated in 2005.

Here are some reaction from the people behind the Romanian player:

- Spiridon Mutu, Adrian's father: It's unjust! I will speak to Adi and our lawyers about what we can do to make things wright!

- Michele Collucci, italian lawyer: It's an illegal verdict! We will appeal the decision at the Federal Court in Switzerland. I don't think the motivation for such a decision is strong and I can wait to see it!

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has dismissed friday the appeal filed by the Romanian football player, Adrian Mutu, against the decision of FIFA. The Romanian player is forced to pay 17 million euros to his former club, Chelsea London. Mutu must pay damages to Chelsea, for the cocaine scandal in which he was implicated in 2005.

Here are some reaction from the people behind the Romanian player:

- Spiridon Mutu, Adrian's father: It's unjust! I will speak to Adi and our lawyers about what we can do to make things wright!

- Michele Collucci, italian lawyer: It's an illegal verdict! We will appeal the decision at the Federal Court in Switzerland. I don't think the motivation for such a decision is strong and I can wait to see it!

- Gigi Becali, president Steaua: The contract signed between Mutu and Chelsea didn't stipulate  that he couldn't use cocaine in his spear time! But, I think he is forced to pay for his mistakes!

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