"The sheik" Rădoi

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 19 ianuarie 2009 00:00

Mirel was presented last night, after his first training with Olăroiu as coach, and he offered the first declaration in Arabian: "I am pleased to play at Al Hilal!"

Arrived in Riad in the night from Saturday to Sunday at 2:00, the former captain from steaua was waited at the airport by Cătălin Necula, Olăroiu’s second. Mirel was welcomed in a big way by the club’s officials and the supporters. One of the supporters asked him with curiosity in English, before making a photo with him: "Are you Rădoi?". "Yes!", answered Mirel slowly, because he didn’t wait to such a question from the fan.
Yesterday morning, the former captain from Steaua passed with no problem the medical check, then he signed the contract on the next three seasons and he met the sheik from Al Hilal, Abdulrahman. To the present people surprise, Mirel offered also his first declaration in Arabian. "I am pleased to play at Al Hila!l", said Rădoi, who made his first training last evening with Olăroiu as coach. At the end of the training, the former player from Steaua was officially presented and he received the first t-shirt with no. 8. "I prefer not to talk too much and to show what I have to say on the ground" was Mirel Rădoi’s message.

"Rădoi has many qualities, he makes everything with passion!"
Cosmin Olăroiu, the coach of Al Hilal

1,4 millions euro will win Rădoi every year to Al Hilal

"Rădoi are nenumărate calităţi, pune foarte mult suflet în munca sa!"
Cosmin Olăroiu, antrenor Al Hilal

1,4 milioane de euro va cîştiga anual Rădoi la Al Hilal

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