Răzvan Lucescu: "Mutu tries to recover himself, Fiorentina really heeds him"

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 11 mai 2009 00:00

The new spotter of Romania returned today from the visit he made at the end of the last week in Italy. Răzvan Lucescu met with the leaders of the national team, Adrian Mutu and Cristi Chivu, and he had a discussion on the phone with the midfielder from Siena, Paul Codrea.

"It was a weekend full of action. First I had a championship match, and then I made an efficient visit in Italy to discuss with Adi Mutu and Cristi Chivu. I also had a conversation on the phone with Codrea, it is very important to have a good communication between all the members of the staff.

Adi tries to recover himself, Fiorentina really heeds him at the end of this championship. We need him very much, and we also need all the other players which have international experience. This thing doesn’t mean that we won’t combine it with the enthusiasm of the young players. Over two weeks I might be somewhere else", said Răzvan Lucescu.

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