Despotovici returns!

Articol de , - Publicat miercuri, 08 iulie 2009 00:00

Ranko returns in Giuleşti after a season spent in Spain, at Murcia

Rapid has found a forward. The Serbian Ranko Despotovici will return this summer in Giuleşti. Murcia has great financial problems and they cannot pay the transfer of the Serbian. Last summer, the Spanish took Despotovici for 1,2 million euro, but they paid only 200.000 euro. Now they cannot pay the rest of one million, and the forward will come back in Grant.

The forward of 26 years old played at Rapid in the season 2007-2008, when he managed to score 4 times, being brought from Vojvodina Novi Sad by George Copos. "I had a cold and I was all the time on the internet. I found Ranko on youtube and we decided to bring him here", said at that time the sponsor from Giuleşti. In Spain, Despotovici scored 7 goals in the 35 matches in which he played, having even two selections to "national" of Serbia.

Ranko returns in Giuleşti after a season spent in Spain, at Murcia

Rapid has found a forward. The Serbian Ranko Despotovici will return this summer in Giuleşti. Murcia has great financial problems and they cannot pay the transfer of the Serbian. Last summer, the Spanish took Despotovici for 1,2 million euro, but they paid only 200.000 euro. Now they cannot pay the rest of one million, and the forward will come back in Grant.

The forward of 26 years old played at Rapid in the season 2007-2008, when he managed to score 4 times, being brought from Vojvodina Novi Sad by George Copos. "I had a cold and I was all the time on the internet. I found Ranko on youtube and we decided to bring him here", said at that time the sponsor from Giuleşti. In Spain, Despotovici scored 7 goals in the 35 matches in which he played, having even two selections to "national" of Serbia.

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