Hagi: "I like challenges, I want to return on the ground from this summer!"

Articol de - Publicat luni, 08 martie 2010 00:00

The best player in the Romanian football, Gică Hagi has talked about the unknown things from his career, but also about the present status of the Romanian football. Invited at Europa FM, Hagi didn’t esitate to discuss about the national team and about the arranged matches he played in before the Revolution.

- Mr. Hagi, you appeared in a commercial from which we understand that the cookies made by your grandmother helped you in the childhood to be among those who played football in the school yard. Is it true?
- Yes, one hundred percent! Because I have always liked to stay with the elder boys, I liked football, and, in order to accept me near them, they took advantage of the younger boy, and of course, they needed to eat at lunch. So, I used to bring them something to accept me with them.

What is the difference between your generation and the players we have now at the national team?
- If we are objective, I think the difference is that we accomplished our mission and we did it very well. The present players are still in activity, they have many things to do and we hope to be an example for them and make performance. You can earn respect only by performance!

If you were at the national team in this moment, did you summon again Adrian Mutu?
- I am not at the national team and, even if I have my opinion, it is not appropriate to say it because I would create a huge pressure. Please, give me the permission not to comment because Răzvan Lucescu has the entire responsibility, vision and the concept in this moment at the team!

- What would say the player Hagi about the coach Hagi?
- The player Hagi has respected always the coach. One of my qualities was to help him achieve his goals, through me, because I was an important piece, with the rest of the team. As coach I am just the way I am as player, a notable person. I was born with the thought to be the best. I like challenges, responsibility. I haven’t changed myself, except that I cannot be a player anymore; I am just coach.

- Which do you thing is the best goal you have even given?
- I scored many similar goals, but I think that the success from the World Championship in the match with Columbia had a huge difficulty, a huge level and a huge stake. It may be also the goal given at Barcelona from the middle of the field. There are many goals I scored in Turkey, too. It is curious that in these four years since I have started to choose some shots for my DVDs, I have discovered that I am the player who has the most goals scored in Romania from all the competitions.

- You declared that you are thinking to return as coach since this summer. Where do you want to return as coach, in what championship?
- It depends on the offers, only then we could talk. I want a challenging offer. Even if I spent two years outside the ground.

- Did you participate or were you told to slow down in any match before '89?
- No matter if it happened this way or not, I have never cheated football and I tried to play as good as I could, to give maximum efficiency.

- Which is the hardest question you received from the children you are training at your Academy?
- It cannot be a hard question when you are talking about football. I like football very much and I think there are many opinions here, ideas, comments, and even if questions are discreet or indiscreet you have to answer.

- Then, what is the most indiscreet question you were asked?
- Usually, I try to talk with them, and in the discussions I have with the children, I want to show them that life is a competition, a challenge, that they have a chance. We do not create football players, we are just supporting them to reach there where they want.

- Is there is any team where you wouldn’t let Ianis to play? If he were to play at Dinamo would you be afraid of the fans reactions?
- No, no. My son shall make decision my himself, I will just support him in what he wants, I can give him a piece of advice for a path as good as possible.  But, from us, from me and my wife, he has trust, total support, but he must be serious and hard-working.

What can make Gheorghe Hagi to cry?
Sentimental things, related to the family, which awake memories inside you, such as my parents.

- What did you feel when the master Radu Beligan said that he wanted to meet you?
- I was honored, privileged and happy because such a great man, a man who dedicated to his art, wanted to know me. That is why I went with my family at the National Theatre and it was incredible. It was extraordinary to see a person of 91 years old, who is older than me with 40 years, who dedicated to his art and he still does this. Radu Beligan is an example for me and he showed me what I shall do from now on. I hope to live and see myself at the age of 91 years old on the field or close to football.

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Comentarii (1)
 •  09 Aprilie 2010, 03:11

Oameni buni ... e jale mare, greseli la tot pasul, de spelling, de gramatica etc. E ridicol. Mai bine renuntati la versiunea in limba engleza ori cautati ajutor. Ma ofer si voluntar numai sa nu vad asa ceva.

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