Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 12 august 2009 00:00
The former coach from Ştefan cel Mare, now he is at Alania Vladikavkaz, says that he was warned not to try to buy players from Dinamo, in spite of the fact that on the purchase list there were a few players from Dinamo
"I won't take any player from Dinamo! I was informed not to try, although I wanted to help financially the club, by transfers", declared "Puriul"
The former coach from Ştefan cel Mare, now he is at Alania Vladikavkaz, says that he was warned not to try to buy players from Dinamo, in spite of the fact that on the purchase list there were a few players from Dinamo
"I won't take any player from Dinamo! I was informed not to try, although I wanted to help financially the club, by transfers", declared "Puriul"
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