The referee Bocăneală was aggressed at the end of the match Cetatea Suceava - Ceahlăul

Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 30 octombrie 2008 00:00

The referee Marius Bocăneală, who lead the at the centre the match from the 2nd League between Cetate Suceava and Ceahlăul Piatra Neamţ, score 0-1, he was beaten at the end of the match, after he gave a controversial penalty for the guests in the injury time of the match.

Marius Bocăneală was helped by the assistants Cătălin Savu and Cătălin Teodor, the entire match being a difficult one.


In the 40th minute of the match, the player from Cetate Suceava, Martin, was eliminated because he cumulated yellow cards, and he thrust the referee, the players from the two teams being very close to start a fight. The central referee gave a 11 meters shot, for the  Ceahlăul Piatra Neamţ, at the beginning of the second round, but he went behind the decision immediately, after he realized that the infraction took place outside the penalty area.

Then, in the last minute of the party, the central referee eliminated another player from Cetate Suceava, Celpan, also tot because he cumulated yellow cards. The match was lengthened with six minutes, but after the six minutes passed, the match continued, and in the minute 90+7 Bocăneală gave a penalty for Ceahlăul Piatra Neamţ.


There followed almost four tensionate minutes, in which the players from Cetate Suceava – Ştiubei and Cotolan were eliminated because they protested. The president of the team Cetate Suceava, Dumitru Moldovan, went down from the official stand on the ground in order to discuss with the referee, but the decision remained the same in the end.

After the goal given by Cebotaru, the spirits glowed, and the players of the two teams started to thrust on the ground. In the middle it was the referee Marius Bocăneală, who was fell at the ground and hit by the players of the host team. The gendarmes had to calm the spirits and took the central referee Bocăneală from the middle of the players and took him to the cabins.


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